
A nurse holding up a sign that reads "We Can Do This" with a smiley face drawn at the bottom.

Enhancing EVS Training

The Role of Project Firstline, AHA, and AHE in Supporting Environmental Services Professionals Infection prevention and control plays a key role in patient safety, and environmental services (EVS) professionals are essential to ensuring a clean and safe healthcare environment. Recognizing their critical role, Project Firstline partners with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and its professional …

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U.S. Antibiotics Awareness Week 2024 Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance Takes All of Us

U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week (USAAW) is observed each year from November 18-24 to raise awareness of the importance of appropriate antibiotic and antifungal use and the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). CDC’s theme for USAAW 2024 is “Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance Takes All of Us,” emphasizing a One Health approach that connects human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Together, we must improve global antibiotic and antifungal prescribing and use while investing in infection prevention across all these areas.

Project Firstline Heroes Logo

Do you know a healthcare worker in your community who inspires you to keep others safe from infection?

Here’s your chance to nominate them as a Project Firstline Hero!